Simple justifications can be made based on measurable
productivity gains.
The far greater payback is more difficult to quantify, some
examples of these justifications include:
Market Window Insurance (cost if it is missed)
Scheduling Impact on an entire project where this may be
just one component
General overall overall quality improvements
Product throughput
Optimum performance tool
Simple Cost Justification
Tool For Flow Analysis Services
An example of a simple cost justification based on start-up
and debugging of a brand new too. This is based on the assumption that analyzing
a tool can reduce this startup process by 50%, this is a conservative estimate.
This Assuming that a tool that has been analyzed can be started up
and debugged twice as fast as one that has not been analyzed, multiply the total
cost above by .5 to get the $ save on startup due to using analysis.
$6,680 * .50 = $3,340
This number is higher than the cost of analyzing all but the
most complex tools. An additional day of debugging rapidly escalates the costs.
Any required reworks require this entire process to be repeated, not to mention
the cost of scheduling delays.