Rotational MechanicsHewitt's CP Surf Unit I: Mechanics Unit 1: Chapter 11 Learning Links NOTE: OUTLINE BELOW IS EXPANDABLE. CLICK ON HEADINGS TO SEE ADDiTIONAL INFORMATION PhyzxSpeek
Torque is the product of the length of the lever arm and the component of the force perpendicular to the lever arm.
The distance from the turning axis and the to the point where the force applied is called the LEVER ARM.
Rotational Inertia is the resistance of an object to changes in its rotational state of motion. The terms moment of inertia or first moment are more commonly used to describe this property of an object or system.
The number of revolutions per unit time of a rotating or revolving object is know as the Rotational Velocity. This quantity is also referred to as Angular Velocity or Rotational Speed. The correct terminology is Angular Velocity as this is a VECTOR measure.
Angular momentum is a property of an object or system that describes its resistance to changes in its rotational speed. It is quantified by the product of the Rotational Inertia and the Rotational Velocity.
If no unbalanced external Torque acts on a rotating system, the angular momentum of that system is constant. TORQUE (click to expand)
ROTATIONAL INERTIA (or moment of inertia) (click to expand)
Different Axes
'CONSERVATION OF' LAW (click to expand)
OTHER LINKS (click to expand)