Check out this page with some excellent sims
Portions of the following are from CpSurf- Hewitt's Companion Web Page for this chapter
Check out these four animations from the Physics Multimedia Studios showing spaceships moving past Earth at various speeds. Notice how the length of the spaceship relative to the observer changes as the ship's speed approaches the speed of light.
This Quicktime movie (4.1 MB) from the UCLA Large Plasma Device Lab shows the view of a city as seen by an observer passing over at near the speed of light
- Pole in the Barn Paradox
- Pole in the Barn Physlet(Davidson.edu)
- Length Contraction- fearofphysics.com (41 seconds; includes 4 animations)
- Length Contraction - the house
- Length Contraction - by Tom Henderson - Glenbrook South High School
- Conserving Momentum: The Relativistic Mass Increase
- As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases without limit! What does this mean for the conservation of momentum? Find out by reading these lecture notes from Galileo and Einstein, a course taught by Michael Fowler of the University of Virginia.
- E = mc2
- Hear Albert Einstein declare the equivalence of matter and energy! This historical soundbite is provided by the American Institute of Physics.
- Mass and Energy
- Read about Einstein's Box, an amusing thought experiment on the equivalence of mass and energy. This lecture is part of the Modern Physics course taught by Michael Fowler at the University of Virginia.
- Transforming Energy into Mass: Particle Creation
- What are the consequences of E = mc2 for particle physics? Find out by reading these lecture notes from Michael Fowler's Modern Physics.
- Relativistic Dynamics
- Part of Michael Fowler's Modern Physics lecture notes, this page provides an excellent overview of relativistic dynamics, including a derivation of relativistic kinetic energy.
- Introducing the Light Cone
- If a new theory is valid, it must account for the verified results of the old theory in the region where both theories apply. This requirement of logic is known as the correspondence principle. How does the theory of special relativity account for classical mechanics? Find out by reading this lesson from Rob Salgado's online relativity tutorial The Light Cone. - Look at this page!
more related links
- Elementary Space-time Diagrams
- The Bug-Rivet Paradox · · · Wrong paradox. Infinite deceleration of the rivet head is not in the realm of SR!
- The Rising Window
- The Mighty Rod Grabber
- A light-speed Submarine, to float or to sink?
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