Gravity is an attractive force between masses
Gravity is responsible for forming the Sun, the
planets, and the moons in the solar system into their spherical shapes
Gravity is responsible for holding the solar system
Gravity is responsible for internal pressures in the
Sun, Earth and other planets
Gravity is responsible for the atmosphere.
Universal Gravitation
Newton observed the moon orbiting the Earth and
hypothesized that the same force that causes objects to fall to Earth causes the
Moon to orbit (or fall around) the Earth
Newton knew that the Moon should travel in a
straight line (getting farther and farther from Earth) unless a force was acting
on it to change its direction into a circular path
He published his theory of Universal Gravitation
that the force between all massive objects is directly proportional to the produ
ct of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.
This type of relationship is
said to follow the inverse square law.
He also used this to explain the motion of Earth and
other planets about the Sun.
Formation of the Universe
Right after the formation of the universe all matter was made of light
elements, primarily
Helium, and
These elements were scattered out in space
Because of the attraction of every particle of
matter for every other particle of matter these scattered atoms began to join
together, eventually forming stars
We use the fundamental force gravity to explain the formation of stars
· Stars are
not uniformly distributed throughout the universe
· Stars are
clustered by the billions in galaxies
· Some of the
stars visible in the night sky were originally thought to be stars
gravity also explains the formation of the clusters of stars called
and it explains their motion
Gravity controls the size and shape of the universe.
· galaxies
are clusters of billions of stars
· galaxies
may have different shapes.
· Galaxies
them-selves appear to form clusters that are separated by vast expanses of empty
· As galaxies
are discovered they are classified by their differing sizes and shapes.
Shapes of Galaxies
The most common galaxy shapes
elliptical, and
Astronomers have inferred the
existence of planets orbiting some stars.
The Milky Way
· the
Sun is one of many stars in the Milky Way
stars may differ in
temperature, and
The Sun is a star located on the
rim of a typical spiral galaxy
Our galaxy is called the Milky Way
Our Solar system orbits the center of the Milky Way galaxy
In similar spiral galaxies this galactic center appears as a bulge of
stars in the heart of the disk.
The bright band of stars cutting across the night sky is the edge of
the Milky Way as seen from the perspective of Earth, which lies within the
disk of the galaxy.
Stars vary greatly in size, temperature, and color.
For the most part those variations are related to the stars’ life
Light from the Sun and other stars indicates that the Sun is a fairly
typical star.
It has a mass of about 2 × 1030 kg and
an energy output, or luminosity, of about 4 × 1026 joules/sec.
The surface temperature of the Sun is approximately 5,500 degrees
Celsius, and
the radius of the Sun is about 700 million meters.
The surface temperature determines the yellow color of the light
shining from the Sun.
Red stars have cooler surface temperatures, and
blue stars have hotter surface temperatures.
To connect the surface temperature to the color of the Sun or of
other stars,
teachers should obtain a “black-body” temperature spectrum chart,
which is typically found in high school and college textbooks.
c. Students know how to use astronomical units and light years as
measures of distances between the Sun, stars, and Earth.
Distances between astronomical objects are enormous.
Measurement units such as centimeters, meters, and kilometers used in
the laboratory or on field trips are not useful for expressing those
astronomers use other units to describe large distances.
The astronomical unit (AU) is defined to be equal to the average
distance from Earth to the Sun: 1 AU = 1.496 × 1011 meters.
Distances between planets of the solar system are usually expressed
in AU.
For distances between stars and galaxies, even that large unit of
length is not sufficient.
Interstellar and intergalactic distances are expressed in terms of
how far light travels in one year, the light year (ly):
1 ly = 9.462 × 1015 meters = approximately 6 trillion miles
The most distant objects observed in the universe are estimated to be
10 to 15 billion light years from the solar system.
become familiar with AUs by expressing the distance from the Sun to
the planets in AUs instead of meters or miles.
A good way to become familiar with the relative distances of the
planets from the Sun is to lay out the solar system to scale on a length of
cash register tape.
d. Students know that stars are the source of light for all bright
objects in outer space
the Moon and planets shine by reflected sunlight, not by their own
The energy from the Sun and other stars, seen as visible light, is
caused by nuclear fusion reactions that occur deep inside the stars’ cores
By carefully analyzing the spectrum of light from stars, scientists
know that most stars are composed primarily of hydrogen, a smaller amount of
helium, and much smaller amounts of all the other chemical elements.
Most stars are born from the gravitational compression and heating of
hydrogen gas.
A fusion reaction results when hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium
This event releases energy and establishes a balance between the
inward pull of gravity and the outward pressure of the fusion reaction
Ancient peoples observed that some objects in the night sky wandered
about while other objects maintained fixed positions in relation to one
another (i.e., the constellations).
Those “wanderers” are the planets.
Through careful observations of the planets’ movements, scientists
found that planets travel in nearly circular (slightly elliptical) orbits
about the Sun.
Planets (and the Moon) do not generate the light that makes them
This is demonstrated during eclipses of the Moon or by observation of
the phases of the Moon and planets when a portion is shaded from the direct
light of the Sun.
Various types of exploratory missions have yielded much information
about the reflectivity, structure, and composition of the Moon and the
Those missions have included spacecraft flying by and orbiting those
bodies, the soft landing of spacecraft fitted with instruments, and, of
course, the visits of astronauts to the Moon.
Nine planets are currently known in the solar system:
Neptune, and
They vary greatly in size and appearance.
For example, the mass of Earth is 6 × 1024 kg and the radius is 6.4 ×
106 m.
Jupiter has more than 300 times the mass of Earth, and the radius is
ten times larger.
The planets also drastically vary in their
distance from the Sun,
period of revolution about the Sun,
period of rotation about their own axis,
tilt of their axis,
composition, and
The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) tend to be
relatively small and are composed primarily of rock.
The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) are
generally much larger and are composed primarily of gas.
Pluto is composed primarily of rock and is the smallest planet in the
solar system.
All the planets are much smaller than the Sun.
All objects are attracted toward one another gravitationally, and the
strength of the gravitational force between them depends on their masses and
the distance that separates them from one an-other and from the Sun.
Before Newton formulated his laws of motion and the law of universal
gravitational attraction, German astronomer Johannes Kepler deduced from
astronomical observations three laws (Kepler’s laws) that describe the
motions of the planets.
· Moons
Planets have smaller objects orbiting them called satellites or moons.
Earth has one moon that completes an orbit once every 28 days
Mercury and Venus have no moons, but
Jupiter and Saturn have many moons.
Very small objects composed mostly of rock (asteroids) or the ice
from condensed gases (comets) or both also orbit the Sun.
The orbits of many asteroids are relatively circular and lie between
the orbital paths of Mars and Jupiter (the asteroid belt).
Some asteroids and all comets have highly elliptical orbits, causing
them to range great distances from very close to the Sun to well beyond the
orbit of Pluto.
A visit to a planetarium would be another way of observing the sky.
If feasible, teachers should have students observe the motion of
Jupiter’s inner moons as well as the phases of Venus.
Using resources in the library-media center, students can research
related topics of interest.