A Letter to Parents and StudentsImportant Notice to ParentsStudents will receive a printed progress report after every chapter’s exam, about one per week. Progress reports require a parent’s signature and must be returned on the following class day. Please be sure that you receive and sign these reports! Download any of these documents in Adobe PDF or MS Word formats IntroductionPhysics A is the first semester of a two-semester in Conceptual Physics. It satisfies the UC “D” science requirement. This letter gives specific information about how the class is run and what is expected of students. Read it carefully and do not lose it! Return to Class Policies Contents Classroom BehaviorStudents in high school are expected to behave in a responsible manner. Students are not to act in any manner that interferes with their learning or the learning of others. Students will arrive in class prepared to work. Students are to follow teacher instructions promptly. Observance of classroom rules is a major part of the Participation/Courtesy grade. Return to Class Policies Contents Classroom RulesThe following rules will be observed
Prohibited Activities:Activities specifically prohibited include, but are not limited to:
Noncompliance with the above rules and prohibitions consumes valuable instructional time and will be deemed to be a classroom disruption. Return to Class Policies Contents ConsequencesIf a student insists upon violating classroom rules, one or more of these consequences will be assigned:
Offenders who acquire 5 Opportunity Room contract steps will be assigned to the Opportunity Room, with loss of all class credit for the semester. Academic DishonestyStudents are expected to do original work. In the case of activities, students may share data but they will still produce their own reports. Students are encouraged to assist each other with homework, but this does not include giving assignments to another student for copying. Never give your homework to another student! At a minimum students found cheating or permitting others to cheat will be given a grade of zero. Return to Class Policies Contents FeesA $20 Supplemental Program Contribution is requested for this class. This contribution will be used to purchase, replace or repair physics equipment, and to purchase consumable materials for use by the class. There will also be a hands-on competitive project each semester. The cost per student will not exceed $5.00 per project. Return to Class Policies Contents Student Progress ReportsProgress reports will be issued on the day after each exam. These reports are to be taken home and signed by parents the day they are received. They will be checked in class the next school day. Successful return of a signed progress report is part of the student’s homework grade. Return to Class Policies Contents download documents