Multimedia tools for teaching Physics |
Computers (and personal computers in particular)
have seen in the last years a rapid emergence
as a standard for teaching in several disciplines.
A boost to this tendence has been given by the World Wide Web,
which allows to disseminate multimedia
information in a virtually processor-independent way, thus overcoming the
problem of portability. The break-through has been the appearance of
languages (like Java) which allow to fully profit of interconnection and
interactivity, and abandon a paradigm of a classroom teaching limited to a vertical
exposition of well suited notions.
Using these techniques, a teacher can organize
his/her lectures as for an "open classroom".
Why multimedia Web tools (and Java in particular) for teaching physics ? Which are the pedagogical advantages ? What about reusability, and how to practically download material from the Web and reuse it ? What about distributed and network computing ? I have no answer. Moreover, "there are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" and "the time is out of joint, that ever I was born to set it right." As for me, I am trying to make available for Physics students and colleagues some practical lists containing a set of tools that are useful in my courses in
Presently, I plunder, collect and mirror good interactive material around the Web (see the index below). This collection sacked most of the material collected and developed by some old eminent collaborators (and close friends) of mine (Battiston in Perugia, De Angelis in Udine, Zito in Bari, ...). I simply add some new tools useful to teach Theory Physics, I can't do otherwise. A lot of useful more or less interactive tools (movies, Mathematica and MatLab programs, etc.) can also be found on the Web, or bought (the nice and cheap CDs from Amaldi for Zanichelli is a good example). For a lot of computed related stuff, you may also consult the ensuing web page . Whereas, many methods and different symbolic manipulations have been collected in the Computer Algebra link. |
Original material.
Magazines,TV channels,e-zines about Science. Contain some interesting material.
Didactic material publishers. These sell mostly software packages useful for didactic purposes. They have also a lot of material available for free.
Other directories of resources.
Newsgroups and mailing lists.
Web use for Education(research and examples). This material is mostly uncorrelated with Physics but gives some idea on how to use the Web for education.
AIP: the American Institute of Physics produces the Physics Academic Software Explore the science of physics with interactive educational software.
Interactive Learning in Calculus and Differential Equations with Applications
CAST - Center for Applied Special Technology Look at their study on the role of online communications in schools
Chamber Works Software to teach particle physics in introductory classes.
Colos ProjectA group of Eureopean universities exploits the didactical potential of XWindows workstations in Science teaching.
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Magazine
Contemporary Physics Education Projects(CPEP)
Dynamical Systems and Technology Project
The Epistemology and Learning Group of the MIT Media Lab
Exploratorium's Digital Library
EdWeb: an hyperbook by Andy Carvin on the implications of the Web for education. Check especially this part.
The Geometry Center at University of Minnesota Applicazioni interattive,software,etc
ICONNnect Connecting Learners to Information : initiative of the American associations of School Librarians with materials from courses about integrating Internet Resources into the Curriculum.
ICPE Books Connecting Research in Physics Education
with Teacher Education
This book was undertaken on behalf of the International Commission on Physics Education (ICPE) of the
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) - with support from UNESCO - to make
available the results of research in physics education world-wide to physics educators working with pre- or
in-service physics teachers.
Inet96 Proceedings: papers on Internet use in classroom
Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal
ISHTAR- Innovative Software for Higher-education Telematics Applications
Italian general subject tree Didattica , Biblioteche , Scuola , Tecnologie .
Kids Web - A World Wide Web Digital Library for Schoolkids
K12 newsgroups. Check especially and ed.math
K12(kindergarten to high-school)resources index
Mathworks ("Matlab") home page
Mathsoft ("Mathcad") home page
Physics Around the World Everything connected to Physics
PhysicsEd: Physics Education Resources Alan Cairn's (physics teacher at Washington University in Seattle) list of educational resources.
SKYEYE: Un osservatorio astronomico virtuale
SCRTEC-South Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium with a lot of material and examples of Internet use for K-12 education.
The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc a non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the advancement of science and math education, specifically through the use of modeling and simulation technologies.
ThinkQuest organizza una gara tra studenti di scuole medie americane.
Transitional Mathematics Project at Imperial College, London is creating learning modules in mathematics, based on Mathematica for first-year university science and engineering students.
WebPhysics at Davidson College
Wolfram Research ("Mathematica") home page
and of shockwave files mostly coming from |
Mechanics and Fluids
Oscillations, Waves and Optics
Various topics
Gamelan Overview and examples: current status of java technology - Directories Education - Directories Physics Fu-Kwun Hwang's 'Virtual Pysics Java Laboratory' Physics applications relevant for schools Java Applets on Physics Homepage of W. Fendt Verbrennungsmotoren Engines (in german) Java-based Physics Simulations TIPTOP FUN@LEARNING.PHYSICS: classical mechanics with Java Mark Sutherland, Canada - top5% Physics 2000! Colorado Uni EDI - Physics course with Java - top 5% Kamikawa Java Applets Top Java Applets from Japan - top 5% Uni Oregon Java Physics Collection of wphysics, recently updated Explore Science - Interactive Science Education Shockwave top 5% Small Collection of Physics Education Applets from Phillip Dukes Basic Physics with Java
Problems by Wolfgang Christian Help for colleagues who want to create
their own special applications. Tools for people working in HTML for physics.