• Two minutes is not much time. If you have to think too much you won’t get much written down.
  • Don’t write down things you won’t need.
  •  Take good notes during the video and during class. Make a star or some other mark next to important ideas as you go.
  • Read over the take home problems and see which ones you find difficult and confusing. Note how many problems are really just different ways to say the same thing. Bring notes with you to class so you can make sure to ask questions about the ones you don’t understand. When you get an explanation, write it down where you won’t forget to include it in your journal.
  •  Don’t write down things that you won’t forget. If it is something simple that you can’t forget, use the time to write down something you may not understand completely or something that you get confused about easily.
  •  Draw pictures if you prefer.
  • Write down tricks such as the one for solving pulley problems by counting supporting ropes.
  • Review your reading assignment and notice the main topics and definitions. Use those and the guided notes page from the video to help you determine key points.
  • If your teacher writes a formula or definition on the board it probably means you should write it in your notes. Include it in your journal unless you understand it completely.
  •  SKIM THROUGH THE CHAPTER’S READING and READ ALL OF THE TAKE-HOME PROBLEMS THE SAME DAY YOU GET THEM. Do this by reading the first and last paragraphs in each section and the summary at the end of the chapter.



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